All You Need to Know about Hornet Removal

If you are a resident of Atlanta, you are probably used to stinging insects. From bees to wasps, you might have seen everything. Hornets, on the other hand, are completely different from the rest. They are far more aggressive than any other stinging insect, which makes them more dangerous. 

There are two types of hornets typically found in Atlanta – European hornets and Baldfaced hornets. The former is larger in size and has a louder buzz, but the latter is much more aggressive. Unlike bees, hornets do not die after stinging you. Also, if they perceive you as a potential threat, they will gang up on you. A hornet’s sting is more painful than that of a bee or a wasp. So, the idea of multiple hornets attacking you at the same time is something that you do not even want to imagine. 

Moreover, many people are allergic to wasp and hornet stings. If you are one such individual, you should be extremely careful as you could develop an allergic reaction and could even go into anaphylactic shock in the event of a hornet attack. 

So, what should you do if you spot a hornet’s nest in your home? The very first thing you should do is stay away from it. Typically, if you break their flight path or get close to the nest, the hornets might sound an alarm and prepare for an attack. So, get away from it as soon as possible and call a hornet removal specialist in Atlanta. 

Pest Control Services in Atlanta

There are a number of pest control companies in the city that can get rid of the hornet’s nest in your home safely. You can contact them and inform them of the hornet problem in your home. Once you do, the company might send one or two professionals to inspect your home thoroughly. 

Upon inspection, the professionals might make note of the size of the nest, the species of hornet, and other information that might help them come up with an appropriate plan for removal of hornet. Once the inspection is over, they will give you an estimate as to what it will cost you to remove the nest completely. If it meets your budget, you can give them the go-ahead. 

One of the most common methods used by pest control professionals to get rid of hornets is the spraying of insecticide aerosols. Some companies, on the other hand, get rid of the nest without using any chemicals at all. They physically remove the hive, including the queen, to make sure that the colony of wasps does not return again. The removal plan might differ from one company to another, depending on various factors. 

Also, there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to hornet removal. Pest control professionals in Atlanta typically deal with these problems on a case to case basis. In most cases, they try to come up with a personalized pest control plan for each customer. 

What to Look For in a Pest Control Company

  • Are they licensed? Are they aware of and comply with the local laws and regulations regarding pest and wildlife control? These are details that you can find out from their website. 
  • Are they insured? Liability insurance is one of the main factors you need to consider while choosing a hornet removal company in Atlanta. If the employees are properly insured, you are not liable for any injuries they sustain in case of a mishap during the removal process. If they are not insured, you could be in trouble. So, call the company directly and confirm that all the employees are indeed insured. 
  • Do they have a permanent address and phone number? You should be able to visit their office or contact them any time you want. This is an important requirement for any pest control company. 
  • Do they offer emergency services? Sometimes, you might need the pest control professionals to come to your home right away. The hive could be too big, the hornets could be agitated due to some reason, or it could be any other situation where you feel that the presence of a hornet removal professional is absolutely required right away. So, make sure the company is well equipped to respond to emergency calls any time of the day. 


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