
Showing posts from April, 2017

All You Need to Know about Hornet Removal

If you are a resident of Atlanta, you are probably used to stinging insects. From bees to wasps, you might have seen everything. Hornets, on the other hand, are completely different from the rest. They are far more aggressive than any other stinging insect, which makes them more dangerous.  There are two types of hornets typically found in Atlanta – European hornets and Baldfaced hornets. The former is larger in size and has a louder buzz, but the latter is much more aggressive. Unlike bees, hornets do not die after stinging you. Also, if they perceive you as a potential threat, they will gang up on you. A hornet’s sting is more painful than that of a bee or a wasp. So, the idea of multiple hornets attacking you at the same time is something that you do not even want to imagine.  Moreover, many people are allergic to wasp and hornet stings. If you are one such individual, you should be extremely careful as you could develop an allergic reaction and could even go into anap